The Australian Hotels Association NSW is committed to supporting the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Initiative. Below is a range of campaigns and resources for members to access and promote within your venue.
16 Days of Activism Campaign
The Global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign (the Global 16 Days Campaign), was launched in 1991 by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership at its first Women’s Global Leadership Institute. The Global 16 Days Campaign is used worldwide to call for the elimination of gender-based violence (GBV).
The campaign runs annually from 25 November (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day) and works toward the elimination of GBV and aims to increase awareness of GBV, challenge discriminatory attitudes and call for accountability for ending GBV and discrimination against women.
Over 6000+ organisations in more than 185 countries have participated in the Global 16 Days Campaign since 1991, with over a reach of 300 million. Each year, the campaign focuses on a different theme.
In 2020, the Global 16 Days campaign will increase its efforts to amplify the voices of women workers in the informal economy while continuing to call for the ratification of ILO Convention 190 and to end all forms of GBV in private and public spaces.
Organisations run events and activities during the 16 days of the campaign. A couple of ideas are below:
- Workplace talks on confronting violence against women in the community and workplace
- Amnesty International held a Trivia Night – This could be adapted this year to a zoom trivia
- Walk Against Family Violence – This could be adapted this year to a lunchtime walk
- Participating in White Ribbon Day 20 November 2020
- Training packages for workplaces – Many women’s health services provide tailored one-on-one support packages to organisations and businesses in reviewing and making changes to internal processes and policies to support gender equity and prevention of violence against women. Most organisational change programs are fee-for-service and can include carrying out gender audits of your workplace, and implementation and monitoring of workplace programs, policy and organisational change.
- By Education Centre Against Violence (ECAV)
- By Anti-Discrimination NSW
- By DV Work Aware
- Social media and communications
- Encourage staff to add a 16 days signature banner to their emaiL
- Release social media shareable graphics every day for the 16 days
Tools & Resources
Male Champions of Change:
Male Champions of Change (MCC) Institute works with influential leaders to redefine men’s role in taking action on gender inequality. It activates peer groups of influential male leaders, supports them to step up beside women, and drives the adoption of actions across private sector and government.
Our Watch:
Our Watch is a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia.
1800RESPECT Financial Abuse Support Toolkit:
Financial abuse is sometimes called economic abuse. Financial abuse is a form of domestic and family violence. Financial abuse can include many things, like controlling and preventing your access to money, stopping you from getting a job or forcing you to get loans you don’t want. Financial abuse can also occur with other forms of violence and abuse. Financial abuse is not OK. Support is available for you
Women’s Financial Toolkit – Its your future:
We’ve brought together free and trusted online resources to help you or someone you know find reliable information on money and finance matters. We want to empower women to be confident money managers and to know more about securing their financial futures. This tool has resources to help women through different life stages and life events, no matter what their circumstances.
Reflections Kit
The Reflections Kit is designed to support preparation for and follow through support beyond the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.
- Reflections Kit (which contains all the links to the related graphics and resources)
- Reflections Kit Landing Page on Insight Exchange
NSW Speak Out Campaign
If you feel unsafe at home, you can speak out.
Call the NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63. We will listen to you, believe you, and help you. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
No to Violence
No to Violence is Australia’s largest peak body for delivering safe and effective interventions for Australian men using family violence and the operator of the Men’s Referral Service. No to Violence provides policy advice and awareness training to workplaces and businesses.
Together with the support of Commonwealth Bank and Norton Rose Fulbright, No to Violence has developed pandemic-focused tip sheets for workplaces on healthy relationships, employees’ use of domestic and family violence, co-parenting, and managing personal behaviours. These free resources provide useful and practical tips for staff as well as referral pathways to specialist services. We encourage you to distribute these to your staff.
The tip sheets can be found here. (
If you are interested in finding out more about No to Violence and how they can support your workplace, please contact Jean Sum – Growth and Partnerships Manager at No to Violence on 0421 791 149 or [email protected]
Coercive Control Campaign
The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) has developed a new advertising campaign to educate the NSW public about coercive control.
The campaign aims to increase awareness and understanding of coercive control and support the implementation of the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022.
The campaign will run across digital and social media channels, and in targeted out-of-home placements.
You can help us raise awareness and understanding of coercive control by sharing the campaign materials on your channels.
Click here to view the promotional toolkit and download your campaign material.
Escape to Better Foundation
Become part of the solution to end domestic abuse
Escape to Better Foundation is a charity focusing on early intervention to help women plan and implement a sustainable escape from abuse before they are in crisis.
We are asking members to place one of Escape to Better Foundation’s posters behind the toilet doors in all women’s and unisex toilets.
Click HERE to view and download posters.
These posters have a QR code which takes women directly to a range of resources on the Escape to Better Foundation website. Their resources are designed to help women make the courageous decision to leave the abusive relationship and provides guidance on how to do it. By placing the posters in toilets, you will be helping women privately seek the help they need, without fear.
We are not asking you to remove any of your existing toilet door advertising. Instead, these posters are an addition to what you are currently doing.
Escape to Better Foundation suggests you laminate each poster and use double-sided shopfitters tape to install them. But how you mount the posters is up to you. We also recommend you place a poster in a back-of-house area in case your staff or someone they know needs support to escape from abuse.
How to get started:
Step 1: Click HERE to view and download the poster/s that resonate best with you and your patrons.
Step 2: Print your selected poster/s and install them in the women’s and/or unisex toilet cubicles.
Step 3: Get in touch with Escape to Better Foundation at [email protected] to let them know you are utilising the posters and to discuss the promotional benefits you can receive by helping women leave abusive relationships.